Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Why Hello my little Percilla Muffin,
Today was a pretty eventful day! With the "McDonalds" incident and all. Wow, i didnt think people at McDonalds could get any more stupid!! Oh my goodness. They kicked my cousin out because he had bought Quizzno's, and there were SEVEN of us who bought a whole meal! And he was the only one who had something from somewhere else. I hate when fast food places are like that. I heard a little boy got kicked out because he had a home lunch with him in McDonalds. They wouldnt even let him eat his FRICKEN HOME LUNCH! Who does that?! Geeze! I didnt think highly after all that! Man. what LOSERS! AND THEN! came back at the end of 3rd lunch. And eveyone left. 4rth lunch begun and to my frightening sight, there was no Laura in sight! How could i go through a lunch without my love Laura! She never showed up, and i had a hard time getting through the whoolllee lunch without her. But somehow with God on my side i made it! LAURA WE MISSED YOU HUNNIE!

Oh, and today! I yelled at THREE kids at Daycare, and actually made all three of them write lines! I made two of them cry too. I felt really bad, but they were being really bad. So it was okay :S I think. (lol) But, that was about it at work. And then after work i got to go out for dinner with my cousins :) That was a blast! heehee. Yep!

Nothing else exciting happened today, it was a pretty good day though. Overall i would give it maybe a 8 out of 10! The McDonalds thing kinda brought the score down a tinge! But oh well! Tomorrow can only get better! I think me and Davie Poo are going to the Christian book store after work! What fun what fun! I'm super excited!! :):)
Okay time to go and hang out with my super fantabulous cousin davie! HAHAHA (Dave, I put cream under your nose! Dont you love the smell of Mango?!)
Talk to you later Percilla!
P.S My secret lover where are you? My heart longs for you.

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