Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Oh Man,
i'm so nervous!! BATTLE OF THE BANDS tomorrow!! And i'm singing in it! WOOOAH! I think everyone should come and see me! Me and my "band". :) I duno if we'll win though! It's pretty kool though, i've never actually gone to Battle Of The Bands before. It should be interesting!! I hope i dont mess up like i did at the Christmas Assembly!! "Where Are You Christmas!?" hahaha oh my, what a mess! Oh well. What can yea do eh? haha ! Anyways!! Yep!! Thats whats happen'n tomorrow. Plus! Because we have to practice I dont have to go to work!! Isnt that awesome!?! No crazy kids tomorrow! YAY! One day Relief! Oh man, its gunna be nice! Annnndd then we've got Break The Grind day on friday!! Ohhhh yyeeaa!! Its gunna be awesome!! We can go home and SLEEP! AH HA! They think people ACTUALLY wanna stay for these kinda things, when all we REALLY wanna do it go home and sleep the day away!
uh huh!! Well i better go, I dont really have anything to put in here today! Nothing big happened today!
Cya later!
(K) MWAH! byebyes
P.S. Make sure you come to Battle Of The Bands tomorrow!! 7:00 at Waterdown High!!

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Day That Went BAD!

Not a good day today!! Too stressed out!! MWWWAAHAHAHA i'm just glad i'm not the only one feeling stressed right now. There are tons of ppl around me going through the same thing so its all good!! hehehe ANYWAYS!! Yea, I am not really in the greatest mood, but i thought HEY! i havent wrote one of these in a long time so i thought i should! I would just like congradulate Ryan Jones on being the second person i've got to start a Blog!! :):) YAY! hahaha (well done Ryan) :) He's learning!! heehee. uh hhhuuuuhhh.....and yea! I dont know what else to write! Things are happening to quickly now a days that i cant really keep track of where i am!! Dont you feel sometimes you just need time to stop for about an hour so you can figure out where you are or what the hecks going on?! Thats what i feel like right now. And i hope i'm not the only one that feel like I'm spinning in circles with no ending! HA! i'm going INSANE!! Its pretty hard to think the worlds normal when you get a test back and your teachers 13 year old son has marked it!!! HOW INSANE IS THAT?! Like who does that?! uuuhh.....oh well! Good thing is i got my cheque today, and i'm really excited about it because that means i have MONEY!! HINT: Never THINK you have money in the bank! I found that out the hard way!! Sorry Danielle for making you go through all that trouble at Michaels! Love you!!
uh huh!! And thats about it!! I'm goin to work on my presentation that i'm doing tomorrow that Erin so lovingly is helping me with!! Shes a sweetie!
I'll write more when i have time!! Lv some comments!!
Luv yous !
P.S Secret lover....miss you

Thursday, November 11, 2004

In The Computer Room

Dear Percilla,

WOW, I am SO bored its not even funny. Mrs.Brown my first period teacher booked the computer room for ANOTHER whole two periods for one simple assignment. Me and Erin Baxter are sitting in class doing nothing but talking on MSN. thats about it. :) We're slackers! Oh well, what can you do?! NOTHING! Hey!! Did you know that if you kick the computer desk it'll re-start your computer?! Yeah. Neither did me or Erin until erins leg had a spaz attack and she kicked the computer desk and her whole computer re-started!! (lol) We freaked out Mrs. Brown because she thought we broke it. HA! mikesayshiwithnospaces Hes a boy in our class that i dont know, Erin always talks to him so i thought i would too! HA!

Anyways!! the sad news, I started a scrapbook even though i said i would never start one!! Dave didnt come over on tuesday "scrapbooking night" and sadly the night ended with me SCRAPBOOKING :'( *tear* Oh well, it was fun!
G2g class is about to end!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

I'm Back!!

Didn't think i was comming back did you?! It feels like i haven't wrote in here for such a long time! BUT dont fret my pet, i'm back for good! Theres a reason for all think hogwash though, and a very good reason as a matter a fact! There is this "funny" boy Chad, and you MIGHT know him Percilla, or might not. BUT he decided to fool my sister into telling him my user name. But foolish me had told him my password for some odd reason, not thinking he would want to get into here. But unfortunitly he did. If you didnt notice the logs were kind of ODD. (hahaha) Chad's one of those little boys that thinks very highly of himself, and likes to make it look like a lot of people think hes hott. (Which some people might think, but i'm not one of them ) SOOO thats whats been going on with those WEIRD blogs. I HOPE, Percilla that you didnt miss me too much, because i really wasnt trying to ignore you. (thanks Chad) ANYWAYS! Things HAVE been good with me :):) Nothing too interesting OTHER then Ryan B's Birthday BASH!! WOOHOOO party on!! That was a lot of fun. EXCEPT for Alicia's baby going insane on us and not shutting off, and i sadly had to pull the plug on that little ADORABLE fello. :( It was sad, but somebody had to do it. (sorry Alicia!) But other then that horrible experience, it was such a marvelous partaaaa. Then!! last night i went to see Latter49 WOAH! What a FANTABULOUS movie! I cryed a lot, its a sad move! So if you dont like sad mocvies dont go see it!! But it was super good!! :) I liked it alot. uh huh uh huh. I think thats it! Nothing really happened that everyone doesnt already know about :) heehee

Well I'm off to overflow, nice talking TO you guys!!
Love yous
(mostly Percilla, you know how it is)
P.S. Trying to get in touch with my secret lover, cant find him :(

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


Why Hello my little Percilla Muffin,
Today was a pretty eventful day! With the "McDonalds" incident and all. Wow, i didnt think people at McDonalds could get any more stupid!! Oh my goodness. They kicked my cousin out because he had bought Quizzno's, and there were SEVEN of us who bought a whole meal! And he was the only one who had something from somewhere else. I hate when fast food places are like that. I heard a little boy got kicked out because he had a home lunch with him in McDonalds. They wouldnt even let him eat his FRICKEN HOME LUNCH! Who does that?! Geeze! I didnt think highly after all that! Man. what LOSERS! AND THEN! came back at the end of 3rd lunch. And eveyone left. 4rth lunch begun and to my frightening sight, there was no Laura in sight! How could i go through a lunch without my love Laura! She never showed up, and i had a hard time getting through the whoolllee lunch without her. But somehow with God on my side i made it! LAURA WE MISSED YOU HUNNIE!

Oh, and today! I yelled at THREE kids at Daycare, and actually made all three of them write lines! I made two of them cry too. I felt really bad, but they were being really bad. So it was okay :S I think. (lol) But, that was about it at work. And then after work i got to go out for dinner with my cousins :) That was a blast! heehee. Yep!

Nothing else exciting happened today, it was a pretty good day though. Overall i would give it maybe a 8 out of 10! The McDonalds thing kinda brought the score down a tinge! But oh well! Tomorrow can only get better! I think me and Davie Poo are going to the Christian book store after work! What fun what fun! I'm super excited!! :):)
Okay time to go and hang out with my super fantabulous cousin davie! HAHAHA (Dave, I put cream under your nose! Dont you love the smell of Mango?!)
Talk to you later Percilla!
P.S My secret lover where are you? My heart longs for you.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

What a boring day!

Dear Percilla,
Yes. i have named my journal, i thought i would because of some people at lunch making fun of me that i didnt name my journal (Chad) Oh well, lunch was pretty interesting today!! I had a grape thrown down my sweater, Dan touching my butt ONCE AGAIN, and people laughing randomly at little things that were happening unexpectedly. Our normal lunch at school.....isnt that sad? ANYWAYS!! I love the people at BOTH lunches i have, there can i say it......interesting??? hahhaa yea, thats good enough. hahaha Just Kidding. I love all of them. They make every lunch one to remember. We have Chad eating/drinking the formula that we made in Hannah's juice bottle.. (that was disturbing) all the way to trying to get teachers to yell at us numerous times for dumb things we do. (Wearing hats, throwing grapes) Ohhh man. There are lots of more things to add to the list of "Lunch Memories" but i think i'll tell some more later! Dont want to waste them all right now :) heeheee..So, that was my lovely lunch today! The rest of the day was pretty normal in other words BORING!! First period, sat there. Second period, painted (sat there). Lunch, sat. Lunch, sat. Fifth, sat and didnt nothing with Danielle. Story of my life....sitting around doing absolutly nothing!! hahaha WOHOOO!! Party on dudes.. Wow, dont you wish you had as much fu as me?! I think you do! hahaha Just Joking !!

OH!! I actually have a work story for you!!! I was at work (OBVIOUSLY) and this boy Trevor (the guy i work with) was chasing me around the DayCare (YES, we were working!! What do you think we do play around all day!! pfff) And i turned a corner really fast and he grabbed my anckle and i socked him right in the eye, and he could hardly see outa it!! I think tomorrow he's gunna have a black eye!! Oh my. funniest EVER!!! We'll see if it's okay tomorrow or not :S Hope so!! hahaha!! I thought it was funy.....sorry if you didnt...

Okay i think i'm allll out of stories!! Isnt that upsetting?!
I know i know, but I'll have more later!! Dont fret my pet!
Love always Percilla

P.S My secret lover hasnt talked to me today, i miss him.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Halloween Weekend

Hey Everyone!
Oh my, what an eventful weekend. Halloween is tons of fun when you are with the right people. Dave, Kyle, Meg, Linds, and of course Laura were all havin a B-LAST at my house. good Times!! Megan had THE most halarious costum on!! We still have NO idea what she was...BUT it was HALARIOUS! I think she gave a few kids nightmares last night. We ended up watching a movie after the little kiddlings died down. (Cant remember the name, sorry) Some vampire movie, but really good! After the movie was over the tiredness was all around the room. I left but apparently after I left the party started. (hahahaha) Lindsay and Laura explained to me the next day, that there were "Rockets In Pockets" and other R rated things going on. After i heard of these things happening I was sort of glad i left at the time I did. I saved myself from some pretty life altering conversations! Oh man, what a crazy fun night. today wasnt all that funny though. I sat in another boring class of Mrs. Browns watching her struggle to even spell DEFINITION on the board! who spells definition with an S ?? i seriously dont think shes a real teacher! She wonders why she gets in trouble all the time. oohhhh myyy goodness. Why I go to school, i really dont know! BUT the highlight of my day was that my best friend from far away phoned me! Right straight out of the blue! I was so happy to hear from her, and find out whats been going on with her! It was awesome to talk to her, and tell eachother whats been happening over here. We both have lots going on now its really hard to keep in touch. But we've been awesome with keeping in touch ever since she moved to Africa. Its been awesome seeing what shes been doing in her life. And knowing even though shes so far away we can still count on eachother :):) Shes the best!!
Anyways!! I better get going, I have some things to do!
I'll write to you all very very soon! Dont worry
Love always,
P.S My secret lover talked to me today too, sexiest man alive!