Saturday, December 11, 2004

Christmas Banquet

Erin and I at the Christmas Banquet on Friday!! What a fun nite! Singing Christmas songs, eating some good food! Nothing better then dressing up and having an awesome time with your friends Except there was one part of the night that had me in tears and left my stomach aching with laughter. I grabbed a cap gun that my friend Cassandra was holding (not knowing it was a cap gun) I held it up to Ryan's stomach and pulled the trigger, and it went off, making a huge sound. It scared us both and i thought i actually hurt him!! We both had no idea what was going on and neither did anyone else around us. It was HILARIOUS, but scared the living daylights out of me!!
I will never pick up anything that looks like a gun again! i'm sorry Ryan for shooting you! Oh man! But it was an awesome night other then that! I didnt go with anyone and proud of it! Mrs. Single here!! hahaha. We had our own little singles group! It was nice. You dont need a date to be kool!
Anyways, that about all i got for tonite, just got home from babysitting (at 11:23) and decided to come on MSN to see if there was anyone on. no ones tlaking to me, so i'm goin to bed :)
Night!! sleep tight
Luv yea!
Shel <><

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