Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Friday came, and then went.

doesnt it seem like the weekend goes by so quickly?! I think so!! Anyways. This weekend was pretty fun! starting off with Friday, that was a lot of fun!! Megan and Alicia and I went to Hannah's house. We slept over there, and watched Hvanah Nights (Dirty dancing 2) Represent, represent HOO-HA!! oh my so many inside jokes! and, First Daughter...that was a really good movie, apart from the one part i had to leave for!! NOT KOOL! And then we stayed up until 3:30 taking random pictures of ourselves. It was quite amusing! We have so much fun together! Saturday morning we had breakfast made for us by Hannahs mom, shes awesome!! What a morning! "I would just like to pray for Michelle and her Pajama's" hahaha Hannahs dad is hilarious! Then Saturday afternoon rolled around. I went out with Bradley, and we went to many different places! As always. I bought the Dirty Dancing Soundtrack and made him listen to it in the car!! Mwaahahaha i'm evil i know. But he loved it, who wouldnt love Cuban dancing music?! c'mon now! haha After shopping a bit we went to his cousins hockey game and then Chaps with his family for dinner :) mmm...chicken wings! :) That was fun! THEN came Sunday!! woohoooo party day!! We went to church and listen to some really goodlooking boys sing REALLY good songs!! highlight of the day! :) And then found out that there wasnt any overflow because of March Break! So we decided to have a party at my house, and invited some people :) We watched the Incredibles, and ate A LOT of food!! It was a lot of fun! "That was TOTALLY WICKED!" oh my, Brandon does the greatest impression!
And that was mostly my WHOLE weekend :) doesnt that sound exciting!!?! I think so!
Now for the really depressing and sad news. My campground up north (Edgewater Beach) Has been sold. We havent got any notices to take our trailer out yet, but were waiting for the day to come. i've been praying and praying that the person who bought it will want to keep it what it is, but i dont think thats going to happen! Everyone's really upset about whats going on and cant believe it! Its been there for SOO long, and theres no where else that anyone wants to go. Thats our summer getaway! And for me a second home, theres no where else in the world that is going to fill that space in my heart. I'll just have to remember all the memories made there....thats all i can do!

Anyways, i better get ready to walk to work!! Have an awesome week!
Love all of you
Because Of Him <><

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