Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Spring is FINALLY here!!

Hey guys!!

Just thought i'd keep everyone up to date with whats going on with me! Nothing much has gone on around here... Last weekend was AMAZING weather and i went out to different places saturday AND Sunday and enjoyed the amazing couple of days God gave us! On Saturday i went to Websters Falls with Brad! and we had a lot of fun there watching the water shoot down over the edge of the falls, and then on Sunday me my cousin and sisters went for a hike behind our grandparents house! That was some fun!! Putting farmers lawn chairs in a tree, and running from crazy people in golf carts....oh my, what fun! And THEN we took all kinds of crazy pictures of us. At the end of the trip though we were being shot at by crazy farm people, but we werent. It was an interesting day! :)
This weekend should be a blast! My friend Michelle, her two friends, and my sister and I are going to Wheels Inn for the weekend for fun with some guys from Heritage Bible College including the guy that Michelle's "seeing" so that should be A LOT of fun! i'm very excitd to be going. Were staying over at the Inn on Friday and then heading to my cousins place in Waterloo where shes going to school right now, and were having a BBQ at her place, and then sleeping over there Saturday night, and then heading home Sunday. Were gunna be REALLY tired, but i'm sooo pumped! I'll be writing about it when we get back for SURE! stay tuned..
Anyways I better go to bed now, my eyes are getting heavy!
Night night, sleep tight
In Him I Live
Shel <><